Monday, March 22, 2010
CST #7 Care for God's Creation
" Humanity is called to a stewardship of all God's creation, that the benefits of the present gifts of creation can be preserved and protected for future generations as well as the present generation"(McKenna 117). "It is the poor and powerless who most directly bear the burden of current environmental carelessness"(McKenna 118). Human beings are part of nature. This CST talks about how people who live on earth have the responsibility to take care of their home, the earth. The way child labor relates to this CST is that children need to work in safe areas and environment. If the environment is not take care of, the children will be working in unsafe working conditions and area. if the environment is taken care of, children working will benefit. Child labor is harsh for children, but if children are able to work in safe areas, they are able to have somewhat a better life.
CST #6 Solidarity
"The church teaches a basic solidarity among all citizens and a responsibility to work together for the benefit of all"(McKenna 101). "Every human being is a person with a nature endowed with intelligence and free will"(McKenna 101). Also every human has rights and obligations in his or her life. The natural law provides the right to share in the benefits of culture and basic education. Child labor fits well into this CST of Solidarity. These children are working because they are obligated to make income for the family, so that the family is able to survive the week or month. Child labor goes against natural law. These kids are denied the benefits of culture and basic education.
CST #5 The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
"The church proclaims in its teachings on social justice the need to repect employees and their rights to a just wage, decent work, safe working conditions, association, disability proctection, security in retirement, and economic initiatives"(McKenna 77). The church talks about how God gave the whole human race that earth to use, and not just certain individuals. One class of people cannot oppose another class od people. Workers are not to be treated as slaves. This CST also talks about how wrokers always should be treated with human dignity. Even though child labor is harsh labor for children, employers should not take away the rights and diginity of their young workers. These kids are put to work because the reason that the families are in poverty and need income. When taking away the rights and dignity of the child workers, it goes against the CST because "workers always be treated with human dignity".
CST #4 Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
"Catholic social teaching proclaims that an important dimension of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the respect, diginity, and assitance that are given to the poor and lowly within society, with whom Jesus Christ so intimately identified himself"(McKenna 57). This church talks about how economically developed countries should help poorer countries and give respect. It is also necessary for commonwealths to cooperate with one another and provide mutual assistance. This relates to our topic because if developed countries helped out poorer countries, this could start the process to end child labor. In most poor countries, poverty act as a base for child labor. If all the countries would be able to give mutual assitance to one another, the process of ending slavery can start.
CST# 3 Rights and Responsibilities
"The church proclaims the right of all to the common good, personal responsibility as well as social rights. It is the responsibility of the state to ensure that the basic rights of each citizen are preserved and defended"(McKenna 47). The church talks about how people are called to have fairness in any agreements and exchanges between other individuals or private groups. The effects of past discrimination to discrimination of our time continues to keep out members of racial minorities from the high life of the American life. Child labor takes away the rights of children who participate. These kids are unable to live a proper life. Some families look to child labor because their family is suffering through poverty. When kids are put into child labor, the employers have the responsibility of respecting and taking care of their children workers.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
CST#1 - The Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Many children lives around the world are being threatened with force enslavement. The life of a child is precious and sacred, but it is being taken away by working for their supervisors/masters. Their lives are more important than the items they create with their tiny hands. Every child is created in God's image and their lives must be protected and not locked away in chains of enslavement. The Catholic Church proclaims that the life of a human is a sense of morale for society. If others understand this concept, then force enslavement of children will cease to exist.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
CST # 2 Call to Family, Community, and Participation
"Family is recognizing as the basic unit of society, where the values of the social teachings of the church are affirmed and taught" (McKennna 41). Families have the right to choose things that are necessary for protection and a just life. Parents have this obligation to see that their child or children are provided with all the necessities of life. The family is considered sacred. This ties in with our topic of child labor. Families, especially the poor families, put their kids in child labor because they believe that this will provide the necessities for the family. Kid are participating in labor to support their family and help make ends meet. If child labor is helping families survive every week, those families believe its important to keep child labor.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Child labor harms children and keeps them from attending school. Throughout history, the seperations of the rich and poor have forced millions of children into child labor. Underage children work all sort of jobs around the world because their families are suffering extreme poverty.
Niko: Child labor is a major issue that must be dealt with. Child labor is spread through out the world. There are many perspectives on child labor. People believe that child labor has postive and negative effects. Even though child labor is such a big topic, people and organizations have a hard time getting rid of it.
Travis: Child labor is immoral. they take away the dignity of the children by making them work in horrible conditions. Many governments around the world do not take a lot of action to child labor because there is a fear that their economy will collapse. since organizations are trying to stop child labor their voices are never heard my their own government.
Niko: Child labor is a major issue that must be dealt with. Child labor is spread through out the world. There are many perspectives on child labor. People believe that child labor has postive and negative effects. Even though child labor is such a big topic, people and organizations have a hard time getting rid of it.
Travis: Child labor is immoral. they take away the dignity of the children by making them work in horrible conditions. Many governments around the world do not take a lot of action to child labor because there is a fear that their economy will collapse. since organizations are trying to stop child labor their voices are never heard my their own government.
Second Post Assignment - CST #1 and # 2
Catholic Social Teaching and the Problem of Child Labor
Child labor is a hot topic, which barely any people pay attention too. Poverty is the base of child labor. Child labor is spread all over the world. Many people have taken action by making laws to get rid of child labor. The problem is that the laws that are made to end child labor is not having any positive results. Some families need child labor to survive. This issue is hard to stop because countries need this type of labor to keep their economy going. There are many views on this topic. The question that we should be asking ourselves is, “ Should we get rid of child labor?”
Niko Velasquez and Travis Frank
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